Thursday, 25 July 2013

Six Week Abortion Ban - North Dakota Positive Sign For Medical Healthcare Insurance

Abortion Legal or Illegal

About 61% of Americans support abortions within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy but support falls off from mountain, according to a January Gallup poll. About 64% of peoples said abortions during the second trimester of pregnancy should be illegal and 80% said abortions in the third trimester should be against the law.
As per Rubio “We have a vast majority of support among most Americans, irrespective of how people may feel about the issue of abortion". “We’re talking about five months into a pregnancy. People certainly believe there should be significant restrictions on that.”

A federal judge has temporarily blocked a recent North Dakota law that would ban abortions as early as six weeks — the earliest prohibition in the nation — calling the measure “clearly unconstitutional” and a “troubling law.”
“The United States Supreme Court has unequivocally said that no state may deprive a woman of the choice to terminate her pregnancy at a point prior to viability. North Dakota House Bill 1456 is clearly unconstitutional under an unbroken stream of United States Supreme Court authority.

What do u say about this abortion policy. Do you think abortion should be banned and if not then when women or family cannot opt for abortion. What is the safest time or legal time as per you that can go abortion. Share your views so that healthcare laws should be made in terms of abortion also. Which can lead to womens' safety and also better health.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Shorter Form for Medical Healthcare Insurance

Banks and  lenders have made efforts in simplifying their disclosure forms so consumers can more easily understand the types of fees and terms they are getting.

This time federal officials are trying to do something different. US health officials are trying to reduce the number of paper necessary for people to apply for coverage under the new health insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, that are to begin operating this season. The exchanges are part of the Affordable Care Act.

Previously the form from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was a 21-page booklet that would have taken an estimated 45 minutes to complete.

After long efforts of consumer advocates that form which needs to be filled up was too overwhelming for most of people, the government introduced shorter versions. The form for individuals who aren’t offered insurance by their employer is now three pages, while the form for families is 12 pages.

The nonprofit group aims to educate consumers about the new law and help them obtain coverage.

But Kaiser Health News questioned whether the forms were actually simpler, or just shorter. The form for families, for instance, previously had pages to list health information for six separate family members. Now, the news service says, the form just has space for two people. So if your family is larger, you’ll have to make photocopies of the page for the additional members.

The forms can be submitted beginning Oct. 1, according to the agency. Consumers can fill out the application on paper, over the phone or online. The online version should take less time, according to the centers, because it will eliminate some questions based on the applicant’s responses.

What do you think of the new forms? Do you plan to apply for coverage through the new marketplaces? Leave your thoughts via Comments or via mail we will discuss this and try to pass on same to law makers.