Sunday, 16 December 2012

Medical terminology - Healthcare / Medical Healthcare Insurace

There are number of Medical terms that are used by doctors, nurses and any other healthcare practitioners when we come across and we don't know what are they . These words have long list and they are very important that you must understand .Medical terminology is the collection of words and phrases used to describe medical procedures and diagnoses. If your medical provider uses a word you don't understand, make sure to get the answers you need. Because these are the services that may your Medical Healthcare insurance may cover or may not cover or may require pre-authorization or have limited benefits . In case you forget ask your medical provider what that word means you all can search on web or refer below as almost all the different word or medical terminology used by Medical Healthcare Practitioners are described below alphabetically. As everyone know in this scientific world everyday there is lot more inventions and discoveries happening medical terminology are also changing and keep on updating . There may be chance that some medical terminology may be missing but pages are kept under track review so that if any changes any updation comes soon they can be updated under the section which they belong to .

                                                Medical Terminology List